Registration & fees

Early bird registration 30th June 450€ regular 380€ student
Regular registration 20th August 530€ regular 430€ student
Late registration from 20th of August 630€ regular 480€ student
Online participation until 31st August 200€

Registration fees for on-site participation include welcome reception, lunches, coffee breaks, conference dinner and conference materials. Registration fee for online participation includes active involvement in the conference and electronic conference material. Due to different time zones of online participants, recordings of the presentations will be available to the participants online for 24 hours after the actual presentation (with author agreement).

Reimbursement policy: In the case the Covid situation worsens and the conference will have to be held fully online, the difference in registration fees between the paid and the online registration fee will be reimbursed. If the participant, who registered as an on-site participant, is unable to attend the conference due to the pandemic, only the online participation fee will be charged and the difference in payment reimbursed.

Predjamski grad
Photo by Nerea Sebastián